Web platform to present Universities from Bucharest
Bucharest Universities attract each year foreign students, who want to benefit from a qualitative higher education system. To present all domains and specializations it was designed a platform where students can find up-to-date information.
Frontend => Laravel Blade Templates, Livewire, TailwindCSS
Backend => Laravel 8

There are many foreign students that want to apply and study in Bucharest due to all the advantages offered, the acknowledgment of bachelor diploma and the higher degree of information / practice acquired.

It was created a web platform where study programs available in Bucharest from different Universities are presented. This is possible through an admin account that is linked to each university. Each program must be approved by the platform admin.

Until now there are 10 universities from Bucharest that have entered this program and decided to make their programs visible for foreign students by an unitar and accessible web solution.

The projects developed together have impacted our institution in terms of a higher degree of internationalisation, accessibility of resources, optimized processes and greater efficiency.