CMS platform for therapy services
The A.T.I.P.I.C therapy center is a therapeutic association of intervention, individual and behavioral psychotherapy. The CMS platform has an interface designed for Romanian people interested in this type of services and an administration interface, through which the authorized staff of the center can add, delete or modify information.
Frontend => Angular 8, Bootstrap 4

A community is based on the help and existence of all people. There are many children that need a place where they can benefit from specialised care and be surrounded by love to feel like home.

A platform which presents a different concept of caring for children. With a modern design and an easy to administrate interface, the website was designed to meet their parent’s desires.

The center offers all type of facilities, information being available and up to date through the developed presentation website. Parents can easily find all the data that is important to make the right decision.

An excellent collaboration, a dedicated and open team to understand and satisfy all the needs of our business. Prompt to support us in modifying or adding new content.