Romanian ATM Map for cryptocurrencies
This platform is intended for people who own cryptocurrencies and want to withdraw or deposit them at an ATM. By accessing the platform, users can view a map of all ATMs in Romania and check in real time the balance of each, if they want to make a withdrawal.
Frontend => Vue 2, InertiaJS, TailwindCSS
Backend => Laravel 7

An overview of all existing cryptocurrencies ATMs in Romania as well as their funds in real time in one platform. If the ATM is ‘’PRO’’ the selling can be initiated directly from it.

Using emerging technologies it was created a platform that can be easily accessed from any type of device.

Using the platform all ATMS nearby are exposed and even more, a client may verify their funds to see if the amount needed is available.

We have developed multiple solutions, software and hardware, that are interconnected. They delivered real-time performance, reliability and scalability of our mission-critical role secure IT infrastructure.